
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mailbox Goodies: Rhodia Premium "R" Pad

This beautiful gem arrived in the mail for me yesterday! This is the new Rhodia Premium "R" Pad N. 16. Thank you to Karen at Exaclair for sending this - I won it in this giveaway held by Rhodia Drive!!!

IMG_9683edit Resized

A full review to come! I can't wait to take it out of the wrapping...


  1. yay, I received mine last week. Need to find time to test it out!

  2. HEEHEEHEE I had a hard time soiling it with the first line of my pen... I was just petting the paper and gazing at it fondly. Sigh.

  3. Good to know that I am not the only who caress the paper ;)
