Friday, July 5, 2013

Water Cats

Nope, not a new breed. Just two kitties that happen to live with me that were terribly curious about water in the tub. Koa is a Bengal and Bengals are known for having an affinity for water. In this case, it's true. He loves water - his water dish, his water fountain, well, and his water fountain again

This time he hopped in before I was finished filling the tub so I shut off the water and let him wander around. Ellie got curious... poor thing. You'll notice what happens at the end.
Koa in the Tub
Koa's Wet Paws
Koa's Wet Paws
Ellie Grooms Her Paw


Jackie Parkins said...

Poor Ellie!

Azizah Asgarali said...

LOL I know.. but it was too funny!

Write to me often said...

Last second was kind of joy for me. Does that make me cruel :)

Azizah Asgarali said...

Not at all - it was too funny not to share :D

kp said...

LMAO, poor Ellie! Your cats are so funny! Thanks for sharing!

PeaceableWriter said...

Two of my cats loved the bathtub routine, although not by getting in it intentionally like your beautiful babes. One would circle the tub and inevitably fall in. The other liked paw at bath bubbles, and lick it off his paws. Go figure! Your cats rule!

Azizah Asgarali said...

You're welcome :)

Azizah Asgarali said...

LOL bubbles?? Hilarious! Cats and tubs are too funny. I always keep the camera around, just in case hehe

MrGuilt said...

Cute! Beso has been known to jump in the tub with my daughter.

There are no real water cats, but there is a medium-sized Asian cat known as the fishing cat, one of my favorite cat species. They jump in the water to cat fish, and have many amazing adaptations to that. The National Zoo just had a baby fishing cat (whose grandmother is in the Cincinnati Zoo). Pictures? No. Video!

Azizah Asgarali said...

LOLOL!!! Loved the belly flop! So this is absolutely adorable. I still maintain you should write a cat book :)

Dirck in Saskatchewan said...

What an excellent illustration of "I did not think this idea through sufficiently!" at the end of the video.

I had a cat once, a common ginger tabby, that couldn't be trusted to stay out of a tub. As long as the water wasn't yet up to his belly, he'd wade around quite happily. He also had an unfortunate way of sniffing the column of water descending from the faucet, which is how I know that cats sometimes say "Snurbbbllf."

Azizah Asgarali said...

LOL!!! Oh this cracked me up - best sound description ever. I know precisely the sound you mean. Koa likes to do that too. They don't really seem to learn..

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