- Pencil Revolution reviews the Palomino Blackwing Pearl pencil. It's pretty.
- The Pen Addict reviews Platinum's new Balance fountain pen.
- Yet another reason Commander Chris Hadfield is super awesome. I will miss him being in space, but having him back on Earth will be pretty cool too :)
- FPQuest reviews the Edison 2012 LEE.
- Inktronics reviews the Fabriano EcoQua notebook.
- Henri Le Chat Noir has his own YouTube channel!
- The Pen Addict reviews the Uni-Ball Lead Holder (it's RED!).
- If you don't already listen to The Pen Addict podcast, you should most certainly listen to it this week. Because not only is Ana of The Well-Appointed Desk on it, they even make mention of little ol' me! (But myself aside, it's awesome.) After you have listened to this week, you should subscribe to it, then go back and listen to them all because they're hilarious. And very educational. You know, if you want to learn everything there is to know about pens.
- Podcast follow up at The Well-Appointed Desk - notebooks for fountain pens.
- Check out this awesome calligraphy from Suzanne (@concernedowl), posted on Instagram.

Thanks for the mention!
I'm totally looking forward to your review of a certain notebook I saw on your Flickr stream. :)
Thank you for the link Azizah!
My pleasure! Oh yes, that will be this week :)
Thanks for the love Azizah!
My pleasure Brad. It's the very least I could do! I started back at the beginning, listening to the podcasts (again...)... LOL you two are such a comedy show hehe
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